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Re: [Question #153448]: Importing mesh and entities


I am not too familiar with neither abaqus nor meshconverter, so it is 
difficult to follow your question...

But are you telling us that from the abaqus file you get two different types 
of markers, one and two, and these should be reflected in some meshfunction 
which you cannot find or know how to access?

Have you tried to access them through the mesh.data?

  mf = mesh.data().mesh_function("cell_domains")

look at the docstring in:


to get the different names of the possible mesh_function names.


On Tuesday April 19 2011 08:03:22 B. Emek Abali wrote:
> New question #153448 on DOLFIN:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/dolfin/+question/153448
> I nearly achieved to import an abaqus input file with different element
> sets by using
> from dolfin.mesh.meshconvert import *
> convert('...inp', XmlHandler('...xml'), 'abaqus')
> mesh=Mesh('...xml')
> while in meshconvert.py :
> on line 924
>             if sect == "element":
>                 pnames = ("type", "elset")
> thus
> *element, type=c3d4, elset=one
> elemid ...
> ...
> *element, type=c3d4, elset=two
> elemid ...
> ...
> on line 1028
>                    handler.add_entity_meshfunction(elemids.index(elemid),
> i)
> is written as a meshfunction entity into the mesh object. So the question
> is how to call and mark the entity as different cells like
> mesh.mark(one, 1)
> mesh.mark(two, 2)
> so that the assembly might be loop over dx(1) and dx(2) ?

Follow ups
