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closest_point() implemented for tets?



I'm running a dorsal compiled development version of dolfin, and get a
"not implemented" error for mesh.closeset_point(). Is this the current
status of tet mesh support, or did I build it wrong? Just want to
check before I dig out an old Bio.KDTree based python implementation I
used in my old code.

from dolfin import *

# Define mesh
mesh = UnitCube(1,1,1)
mesh.coordinates()[:] *= [29,23,19]

p = Point(1,1,1)
cp = mesh.closest_point(p)

/tmp/python-1810z9J.py in <module>()
      4 mesh = UnitCube(1,1,1)
      5 mesh.coordinates()[:] *= [29,23,19]
      7 p = Point(1,1,1)
----> 8 cp = mesh.closest_point(p)

RuntimeError: *** Error: The function 'compute' has not been
implemented (in
line 218).


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