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Re: [Question #155668]: matrix valued function



You need to proivde a minimal but runnable script that will reproduce your 
problem. It is difficult to answer your question otherwise.


On Wednesday May 4 2011 04:08:06 Andreas Naumann wrote:
> Question #155668 on DOLFIN changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/dolfin/+question/155668
> Andreas Naumann gave more information on the question:
> I solved the problem with the help of TensorFunctionSpace and a function
> from this space. Now I get some problems with memory. it seems to me,
> that the command
> swap = gamma + dt * (gamma - nabla u)
> and following projection on the tensor increases the memory usage
> without freeing the used memory.
> Is this a bug or simply a problem with improper  dolfin usage?
