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Re: [Question #158012]: Extracting data from specific points


If you are solving with a MixedFunctionSpace ala TaylorHood you can extract 
the sub function for the pressure from the mixed solution function. Something 

  P = u.split(deepcopy=True)[1]

This assumes the pressure is the last sub function of two. The degrees of 
freedom (the solved pressure values) can then be read out directly from the 
vector of the functions. 

  values = P.vector()

I hope this answered your question.


On Wednesday May 18 2011 02:55:54 Kyle wrote:
> New question #158012 on DOLFIN:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/dolfin/+question/158012
> I am looking to extract data from specific nodes on a solved mesh in FEniCS
> (used stokes, want to extract pressure). I want to do this so I can derive
> stresses and apply it to a structure mesh and create a simplistic FSI
> model. I have been looking through fsiproblem.py in cbc.solve to get some
> ideas but have not had any luck.
> Thanks!
> Kyle

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