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Re: [Question #157319]: dolfin CGAL


Question #157319 on DOLFIN changed:

Torbjørn Bækø Ness posted a new comment:

I tried following the instructions above to fix a (maybe somewhat)
similar problem, but now my code woun't run anymore, due to something
that seems totally unrelated. I get the message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "poiLayer.py", line 51, in <module>
    c.c00 = c00
  File "/home/torbjone/.instant/cache/dolfin_compile_code_e7e8fc5d829f08b4d495763a248eab9e/dolfin_compile_code_e7e8fc5d829f08b4d495763a248eab9e.py", line 74, in <lambda>
    __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, Conductivity, name, value)
  File "/home/torbjone/.instant/cache/dolfin_compile_code_e7e8fc5d829f08b4d495763a248eab9e/dolfin_compile_code_e7e8fc5d829f08b4d495763a248eab9e.py", line 48, in _swig_setattr
    return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0)
  File "/home/torbjone/.instant/cache/dolfin_compile_code_e7e8fc5d829f08b4d495763a248eab9e/dolfin_compile_code_e7e8fc5d829f08b4d495763a248eab9e.py", line 41, in _swig_setattr_nondynamic
    if method: return method(self,value)
TypeError: in method 'Conductivity_c00_set', argument 2 of type 'dolfin::MeshFunction< double > *'

I beleve the relavant part of the code is:

# Code for C++ evaluation of conductivity
conductivity_code = """
class Conductivity : public Expression
  // Create expression with 3 components
  Conductivity() : Expression(3) {}

  // Function for evaluating expression on each cell
  //void eval(Array<double>& values, const Data& data) const
  void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& x,  const ufc::cell& cell) const
    const uint D = cell.topological_dimension;
    const uint cell_index = cell.entity_indices[D][0];
    values[0] = (*c00)[cell_index];
    values[1] = (*c11)[cell_index];
    values[2] = (*c22)[cell_index];
  // The data stored in mesh functions
  MeshFunction<double>* c00;
  MeshFunction<double>* c11;
  MeshFunction<double>* c22;
# Define conductivity expression and matrix
c00 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, "c00.xml")
c11 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, "c11.xml")
c22 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, "c22.xml")
c = Expression(cppcode=conductivity_code)
c.c00 = c00
c.c11 = c11
c.c22 = c22
C = as_matrix(((c[0], 0, 0), (0, c[1], 0), (0, 0, c[2])))

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