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repo troubles


I'm having problems with my repository. bzr claims there's a lock and
breaking it doesn't seem to help. This happened also yesterday and I
then removed my Launchpad repository and replaced it with a new one.

Here's my setup:

.../dolfin/      -  collection of repositories (bzr init-repo)
.../dolfin/trunk -  repository bound to lp:dolfin (bzr checkout)
.../dolfin/logg  -  repository bound to lp:~dolfin-core/dolfin/logg

Here's the steps I follow:

  cd logg
  bzr commit
  <wait for buildbot to turn green>
  cd ../trunk
  bzr merge ../logg
  bzr commit -m "merge logg"
  cd ../logg
  bzr pull ../trunk

Here's what happens:

$ bzr pull ../trunk
 Unable to obtain lock  held by logg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 at crowberry [process #5041], acquired 14 seconds ago.
 See "bzr help break-lock" for more.
 bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)":
$ bzr break-lock bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dolfin-core/dolfin/logg/
$ bzr pull ../trunk
 Unable to obtain lock  held by logg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 at crowberry [process #6538], acquired 14 seconds ago.
 See "bzr help break-lock" for more.
 bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)":

Has anyone else experienced this?


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