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Message #24193
Distance to boundary
I have created a class, DistanceToBoundaryComputation, similar to
IntersectionOperator, which takes a Mesh or a FacetFunction and compute
distances between any point and the closest point to the Boundary or a subset
of the boundary given by the FacetFunction.
I have published it together with two demos, cpp and python to illustrate some
of its functions.
If the distances from each vertex is computed, will the result be similar (not
always equal) to the signed distance function, or the eikonal equation, but it
computes faster.
I am not sure how this best can be integrated into the present dolfin. It
generates some data, like a BoundaryMesh, which it need to store, so it might
not be something we want to put into the Mesh class? If I use the same lazy
initialization that Andre used it might be possible.
Please feel free to have alook at one of the demos to see it in action.
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