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Re: [Question #171106]: Projecting a Gaussian distribution



Modifying PointSource.cpp, line 92, from set(..) to add(..) solves the problem (see attached patch).


Från: bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] för Josef Höök [question171106@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Skickat: den 14 september 2011 13:05
Till: Josef Höök
Ämne: [Question #171106]: Projecting a Gaussian distribution

New question #171106 on DOLFIN:

I would like to project a particle cloud represented as a sum of dirac masses on a grid using PointSource. I have tried the following code but it gives me a set of points on the mesh instead of a nice Gaussian shaped function, any ideas why?
Perhaps I'm not using the PointSource correctly?


from dolfin import *
import random

mesh = Rectangle(-10,-10, 10,10,50,50)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
a = inner(u,v)*dx
L= v*dx
b = assemble(L)
n = 100000
for i in range(n):
    p= Point(random.normalvariate(0,1), random.normalvariate(0,1))
    delta = PointSource(V, p, 1)

u = Function(V)
solve(A, u.vector(), b)

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Attachment: dolfin-hook-2011-09-14.patch
Description: dolfin-hook-2011-09-14.patch