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I have implemented a new version of UnitSphere based on subdivision of an initial octahedral surface mesh and tetrahedralization using the CGAL framework.

This is all fine, but CGAL uses alot of time tetrahedralizing the initial surface mesh. CGAL is also doing some funny things with the surface mesh.

  1) It subdivide the initial surface mesh, which I want to prevent. Is
     that possible.
  2) 1) results in small triangles on the surface, but large triangles
     in the interior. I set a tentative volume constraint based on the
     size of a triangle of the input mesh.

You can try it out here:

  bzr branch lp:~dolfin-core/dolfin/hake-trunk

  from dolfin import *
  mesh = UnitSphereNew(4)
  # Do not try larger subdivisions than 4, at least for now.


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