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Re: [Question #700316]: error backing up to ftp and sftp


Question #700316 on Duplicity changed:

Tomek Tomczuk gave more information on the question:
Hi thank you for the reply. I have changed the url.

I have logged to the server as a root typed sftp

I get The authenticity of host 'xyz.ssh.dhosting.pl (IP)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:*******
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? 

I typed yes and get the warning
Warning: Permanently added 'xyz.ssh.dhosting.pl,IP' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
              _ _               _   _                     _
             | | |             | | (_)                   | |
           __| | |__   ___  ___| |_ _ _ __   __ _   _ __ | |
          / _` | '_ \ / _ \/ __| __| | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \| |
         | (_| | | | | (_) \__ \ |_| | | | | (_| |_| |_) | |
          \__,_|_| |_|\___/|___/\__|_|_| |_|\__, (_) .__/|_|
                SERWER SSH (secure shell)    __/ | | |
                                            |___/  |_|

Infolinia:   +48 (22) 292-01-01
Helpdesk24h: https://dpanel.pl/helpdesk/

UWAGA! Dostepne sa rozne wersje php pod osobnymi poleceniami:

"php" w wersji 5.3.29
"php7" w wersji 7.0.33
"php8" w wersji 8.0.3

"php53" w wersji 5.3.29
"php54" w wersji 5.4.45
"php55" w wersji 5.5.38
"php56" w wersji 5.6.40
"php70" w wersji 7.0.33
"php71" w wersji 7.1.33
"php72" w wersji 7.2.26
"php73" w wersji 7.3.13
"php74" w wersji 7.4.1
"php80" w wersji 8.0.3


user:password@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Permission denied (publickey,password).
Connection closed

server log shows

--- Start running command POST at 09:30:05.469 ---
Running '/etc/duply/pageurl_uploads/post' - OK
--- Finished state OK at 09:30:05.570 - Runtime 00:00:00.100 ---
Start duply v2.2, time is 2022-01-21 09:45:01.
Using profile '/etc/duply/pageurl_uploads'.
Using installed duplicity version 0.8.12, python 3.8.10 (/usr/bin/python3), gpg 2.2.19 (Home: /root/.gnupg), awk 'GNU Awk 5.0.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.2.0)', grep 'grep (GNU grep) 3.4', bash '5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)'.
Checking TEMP_DIR '/tmp' is a folder and writable (OK)
Test - En/Decryption skipped. (GPG disabled)

--- Start running command PRE at 09:45:03.420 ---
Running '/etc/duply/pageurl_uploads/pre' - OK
--- Finished state OK at 09:45:03.567 - Runtime 00:00:00.146 ---

--- Start running command BKP at 09:45:03.849 ---
BackendException: could not load '/etc/ssh/ssh_config', maybe corrupt?
09:45:05.053 Task 'BKP' failed with exit code '23'.
--- Finished state FAILED 'code 23' at 09:45:05.053 - Runtime 00:00:01.204 ---

--- Start running command POST at 09:45:05.362 ---
Running '/etc/duply/pageurl_uploads/post' - OK
--- Finished state OK at 09:45:05.457 - Runtime 00:00:00.094 ---
"pageurl_uploads.log" 5021L, 256432C

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