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Slingshot code


Hi everybody, i'm Stephen Smally, and i work for the Lubuntu team (i'm d
eveloping Lubuntu Software Center and some other stuffs which you may ha
ve heard).
I'm also trying to rewrite LxLauncher (here a pic of the old one http://
wiki.lxde.org/fr/images/5/5c/LXlauncher.png ) in Vala. I used Slingshot 
as inspiration, so now my LxLauncher version works basically like it (on
ly the UI is different).
I'm wondering if i can take the Slingshot code, modify it to work on LXD
E (remove Granite dependencie and replace GMenu with Menu-Cache, and mod
ify a little the UI, i probably need it fullscreen-only) and release it 
like LxLauncher (i think is GPL), with all the quotes and thanks.
What i'm trying to do is to "port" a little bit of the elementary philos
ophy in LXDE.

Regards, Stephen Smally

P.S. Sorry for my bad English!

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