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Re: UX and OK Buttons


That's what our HIG suggests. It's good to stumble upon good conventions we already employ :) In fact we're several steps ahead: http://elementaryos.org/docs/human-interface-guidelines/ui-toolkit-elements/windows/dialogs

I disagree with doing it the right way but neglecting platform consistency in this case, though. I've heard quite some dirty curses about this particular inconsistency - people get so used to platform convention that they distinguish 'ok' and 'cancel' by position instead of label. I can very well understand them - the label is confusing in this case, and things get even worse when you see 20 ok/cancel dialogs a day.

This windowsish trend of doing every app "better" or "fancier" is terrible. Even if you actually do design an app better than an equivalent that follows platform conventions (and this happens way less often than their devs think), people don't stop using ALL other apps because of that. And working with 3 better-designed-but-inconsistent apps is a total UX nightmare.

----- Исходное сообщение -----
> http://uxmovement.com/buttons/why-ok-buttons-in-dialog-boxes-work-best-on-the-right/
> Because I know you guys are crazy about this stuf...
