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[Merge] lp:~elementary-dev-community/beat-box/refactor into lp:beat-box


xapantu has proposed merging lp:~elementary-dev-community/beat-box/refactor into lp:beat-box.

Requested reviews:
  BeatBox Team (beatbox-team)

For more details, see:

* Don't use a LibraryManager in GStreamerTagger.
* Tie all the covers related things in one class. The code is easier to understand for a newcomer this way.
Your team elementary Developer Community is subscribed to branch lp:~elementary-dev-community/beat-box/refactor.
=== modified file 'CMakeLists.txt'
--- CMakeLists.txt	2012-07-04 18:34:08 +0000
+++ CMakeLists.txt	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 cmake_policy(VERSION 2.6)

=== modified file 'core/CMakeLists.txt'
--- core/CMakeLists.txt	2012-07-04 00:35:02 +0000
+++ core/CMakeLists.txt	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
+    Library/Library.vala
+    Library/ComputerLibrary.vala
+    Library/DeviceLibrary.vala
 #    libpeas-1.0
@@ -22,3 +25,21 @@
 add_library(beatbox-core SHARED ${VALA_C})
 target_link_libraries(beatbox-core ${DEPS_LIBRARIES})
 install (TARGETS beatbox-core DESTINATION lib)
+    tests/main.vala
+    gtk+-3.0
+    gee-1.0
+    granite
+    beatbox-core
+    --thread
+    --vapidir=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi
+    --vapidir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
+add_executable(beatbox-core-test ${VALA_C_TESTS})
+target_link_libraries(beatbox-core-test ${DEPS_LIBRARIES})
+target_link_libraries(beatbox-core-test beatbox-core)

=== added directory 'core/Library'
=== added file 'core/Library/ComputerLibrary.vala'
--- core/Library/ComputerLibrary.vala	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/Library/ComputerLibrary.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+public class BeatBox.ComputerLibrary : BeatBox.Library {

=== added file 'core/Library/DeviceLibrary.vala'
--- core/Library/DeviceLibrary.vala	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/Library/DeviceLibrary.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+public class BeatBox.DeviceLibrary : BeatBox.Library {

=== added file 'core/Library/Library.vala'
--- core/Library/Library.vala	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/Library/Library.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+public class BeatBox.Library : Object {

=== added directory 'core/tests'
=== added file 'core/tests/main.vala'
--- core/tests/main.vala	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/tests/main.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+public int main(string[] args) {
+    Test.init(ref args);
+    Gtk.init(ref args);
+    Test.run();
+    return 0;

=== modified file 'src/CMakeLists.txt'
--- src/CMakeLists.txt	2012-07-04 02:32:46 +0000
+++ src/CMakeLists.txt	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
+    Core/CoverManager.vala

=== added file 'src/Core/CoverManager.vala'
--- src/Core/CoverManager.vala	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ src/Core/CoverManager.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2012       Scott Ringwelski <sgringwe@xxxxxxx>
+ *
+ * Originally Written by Scott Ringwelski for BeatBox Music Player
+ * BeatBox Music Player: http://www.launchpad.net/beat-box
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+public class BeatBox.CoverManager : Object {
+    /**
+     * Contains all covers. The id has the form "album - artist".
+     **/
+    Gee.HashMap<string, Gdk.Pixbuf> m_covers;
+    /**
+     * Used to cache cover location, so we don't have to re-browse every directory to check
+     * that wether is a cover or not.
+     **/
+	Gee.HashMap<string, string> art_locations = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>();
+    /**
+     * Emitted when a cover is changed for an artist and an album.
+     **/
+    public signal void cover_changed(string artist, string album);
+    /**
+     * Emitted when a new cover is saved in the cache. Used to set the cover of every media
+     * which belong to this album.
+     **/
+    public signal void new_cover_in_cache(string artist, string album, Gdk.Pixbuf pix);
+    public CoverManager() {
+        m_covers = new Gee.HashMap<string, Gdk.Pixbuf>();
+    }
+	public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cover_album_art_from_key(string album_artist, string album) {
+		return m_covers.get(album_artist + " - " + album);
+    }
+	public void set_album_art(Media s, Gdk.Pixbuf? pix, bool emit) {
+		if(pix != null) {
+            string key = get_media_coverart_key (s);
+            if(key != null) {
+                m_covers.set(key, Icons.get_pixbuf_shadow(pix));
+                // We need to let views know of this update
+                if(emit) {
+                    cover_changed(s.album_artist, s.album);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	}
+	/**
+     * Returns a key to get a coverart from the cover_album_art hashmap.
+     **/
+	string get_media_coverart_key (Media s) {
+        /* FIXME: what happens if I have Album/ and Album_ as album names? */
+		return (s.album_artist + " - " + s.album).replace("/", "_");
+	}
+	string get_cached_album_art_path (string key) {
+		return GLib.Path.build_filename (settings.get_album_art_cache_dir (), key + ".jpg");
+	}
+    Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cached_album_art (string key, out string uri) {
+		Gdk.Pixbuf? rv = null;
+		uri = get_cached_album_art_path (key);
+		try {
+			rv = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file (uri);
+            debug("neww pixbuf for: %s", uri);
+		} catch (Error err) {
+			//debug (err.message);
+		}
+		if (rv == null)
+			uri = "";
+        debug ("Requested cached album-art for %s: %s, path: %s", key, rv != null ? " FOUND." : " NOT FOUND.", uri);
+		return rv;
+	}
+	public void save_album_art_in_cache (Media m, Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf) {
+		if (m == null || pixbuf == null)
+			return;
+		string key = get_media_coverart_key (m);
+		if(key == "")
+			return;
+		string uri = get_cached_album_art_path (key);
+		debug ("Saving cached album-art for %s", key);
+		bool success = false;
+		try {
+			success = pixbuf.save (uri, "jpeg", null);
+		} catch (Error err) {
+			warning (err.message);
+		}
+		/*if(success) {
+			foreach(int i in media_ids()) {
+				if(media_from_id(i).album_artist == m.album_artist && lm.media_from_id(i).album == m.album) {
+					debug("setting album art for %s by %s", lm.media_from_id(i).title, lm.media_from_id(i).artist);
+					media_from_id(i).setAlbumArtPath(uri);
+				}
+			}
+		}*/
+	}
+	public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cover_album_art_from_media(Media? s) {
+		if(s == null)
+			return null;
+        return m_covers.get(get_media_coverart_key (s));
+    }
+    static bool is_valid_image_type(string type) {
+		var typeDown = type.down();
+		return (typeDown.has_suffix(".jpg") || typeDown.has_suffix(".jpeg") ||
+				typeDown.has_suffix(".png"));
+	}
+    public void fetch_cover_of_media(Media s) {
+        string key = get_media_coverart_key(s);
+        string path = "";
+        Gdk.Pixbuf? pix = null;
+        if(key == null || s.mediatype == MediaType.STATION) { /* There is either a problem with the names,
+                                                               * or it is not a valid media file. */
+            s.setAlbumArtPath (Icons.DEFAULT_ALBUM_ART.backup_filename);
+        }
+        else if(!m_covers.has_key (key)) { /* This album - artist cover hasn't yet been looked for. */
+            Gdk.Pixbuf? coverart_pixbuf = get_cached_album_art (key, out path);
+            // try to get image from the cache folder (faster)
+            if (coverart_pixbuf != null) {
+                pix = Icons.get_pixbuf_shadow (coverart_pixbuf);
+            }
+            else {
+                /* TODO: Get image from the tagger object (i.e. song metadata) */
+                //coverart_pixbuf = tagger.get_embedded_art(s);
+                if ((path = get_best_album_art_file(s)) != null) {
+                    try {
+                        coverart_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file (path);
+                        debug(path);
+                        //coverart_pixbuf = _pix.scale_simple (200, 200, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
+                        pix = Icons.get_pixbuf_shadow (coverart_pixbuf);
+                        // Add image to cache
+                        save_album_art_in_cache (s, coverart_pixbuf);
+                    }
+                    catch(GLib.Error err) {
+                        warning (err.message);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            m_covers[key] = pix;
+        }
+        else { /* The cover of this album/artist has already been investigated. */
+            /* We choose the cover path: either it has already been loaded, or it is not loadable (i.e. == null)
+             * and we put a default. */
+            string cover_path = get_cached_album_art_path (key) ?? Icons.DEFAULT_ALBUM_ART.backup_filename;
+            s.setAlbumArtPath(cover_path);
+        }
+    }
+    string? get_best_album_art_file(Media m) {
+		GLib.File media_file = GLib.File.new_for_uri(m.uri);
+		if(!media_file.query_exists())
+			return null;
+		string artPath = "";
+		GLib.FileInfo file_info = null;
+		var album_folder = media_file.get_parent();
+		if(!album_folder.query_exists() || album_folder.get_path() == null)
+			return null;
+		if( (artPath = art_locations.get(album_folder.get_path())) != null)
+			return artPath;
+		artPath = "";
+		/* get a list of all images in folder as potential album art choices */
+		var image_list = new Gee.LinkedList<string>();
+		try {
+			var enumerator = album_folder.enumerate_children(FileAttribute.STANDARD_NAME + "," + FileAttribute.STANDARD_TYPE, 0);
+			while ((file_info = enumerator.next_file ()) != null) {
+				if(file_info.get_file_type() == GLib.FileType.REGULAR && is_valid_image_type(file_info.get_name())) {
+					image_list.add(file_info.get_name());
+				}
+			}
+        }
+        catch (Error e) {
+            warning ("Error while looking for covers: %s", e.message);
+        }
+		/* now choose one based on priorities */
+		foreach(string sU in image_list) {
+			var sD = sU.down();
+			if(sD.contains("folder.")) {
+				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
+				break;
+			}
+			else if(sD.contains("cover."))
+				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
+			else if(!artPath.contains("cover.") && sD.contains("album."))
+				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
+			else if(artPath == "")
+				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
+		}
+		art_locations.set(album_folder.get_path(), artPath);
+		return artPath;
+	}

=== modified file 'src/Core/FileOperator.vala'
--- src/Core/FileOperator.vala	2012-07-04 00:35:02 +0000
+++ src/Core/FileOperator.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
 	LinkedList<string> import_errors;
 	bool _all_files_queued;
-	HashMap<string, string> art_locations = new HashMap<string, string>();
 	public enum ImportType  {
@@ -68,8 +67,9 @@
 		cancelSent = false;
 		new_imports = new LinkedList<Media>();
 		import_errors = new LinkedList<string>();
-		tagger = new GStreamerTagger(lm);
-		art_tagger = new GStreamerTagger(lm);
+		tagger = new GStreamerTagger(lm.cover_album_art);
+        assert(lm.cover_album_art != null);
+		art_tagger = new GStreamerTagger(lm.cover_album_art);
@@ -108,13 +108,6 @@
 				typeDown.has_suffix(".aac") || typeDown.has_suffix(".alac"));
-	private static bool is_valid_image_type(string type) {
-		var typeDown = type.down();
-		return (typeDown.has_suffix(".jpg") || typeDown.has_suffix(".jpeg") ||
-				typeDown.has_suffix(".png"));
-	}
 	public int count_music_files(GLib.File music_folder, ref LinkedList<string> files) {
 		GLib.FileInfo file_info = null;
@@ -189,109 +182,6 @@
-	public string get_best_album_art_file(Media m) {
-		GLib.File media_file = GLib.File.new_for_uri(m.uri);
-		if(!media_file.query_exists())
-			return "";
-		string artPath = "";
-		GLib.FileInfo file_info = null;
-		var album_folder = media_file.get_parent();
-		if(!album_folder.query_exists() || album_folder.get_path() == null)
-			return "";
-		if( (artPath = art_locations.get(album_folder.get_path())) != null)
-			return artPath;
-		artPath = "";
-		/* get a list of all images in folder as potential album art choices */
-		var image_list = new LinkedList<string>();
-		try {
-			var enumerator = album_folder.enumerate_children(FileAttribute.STANDARD_NAME + "," + FileAttribute.STANDARD_TYPE, 0);
-			while ((file_info = enumerator.next_file ()) != null) {
-				if(file_info.get_file_type() == GLib.FileType.REGULAR && is_valid_image_type(file_info.get_name())) {
-					image_list.add(file_info.get_name());
-				}
-			}
-        }
-        catch (Error e) {
-            warning ("Error while looking for covers: %s", e.message);
-        }
-		/* now choose one based on priorities */
-		foreach(string sU in image_list) {
-			var sD = sU.down();
-			if(sD.contains("folder.")) {
-				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
-				break;
-			}
-			else if(sD.contains("cover."))
-				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
-			else if(!artPath.contains("cover.") && sD.contains("album."))
-				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
-			else if(artPath == "")
-				artPath = album_folder.get_path() + "/" + sU;
-		}
-		art_locations.set(album_folder.get_path(), artPath);
-		return artPath;
-	}
-	public void save_album_art_in_cache (Media m, Gdk.Pixbuf? pixbuf) {
-		if (m == null || pixbuf == null)
-			return;
-		string key = lm.get_media_coverart_key (m);
-		if(key == "")
-			return;
-		string uri = get_cached_album_art_path (key);
-		debug ("Saving cached album-art for %s", key);
-		bool success = false;
-		try {
-			success = pixbuf.save (uri, "jpeg", null);
-		} catch (Error err) {
-			warning (err.message);
-		}
-		if(success) {
-			foreach(int i in lm.media_ids()) {
-				if(lm.media_from_id(i).album_artist == m.album_artist && lm.media_from_id(i).album == m.album) {
-					debug("setting album art for %s by %s", lm.media_from_id(i).title, lm.media_from_id(i).artist);
-					lm.media_from_id(i).setAlbumArtPath(uri);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cached_album_art (string key, out string uri) {
-		Gdk.Pixbuf? rv = null;
-		uri = get_cached_album_art_path (key);
-		try {
-			rv = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file (uri);
-		} catch (Error err) {
-			//debug (err.message);
-		}
-		if (rv == null)
-			uri = "";
-		debug ("Requested cached album-art for %s: %s", key, rv != null ? " FOUND." : " NOT FOUND.");
-		return rv;
-	}
-	public string get_cached_album_art_path (string key) {
-		return GLib.Path.build_filename (settings.get_album_art_cache_dir (), key + ".jpg");
-	}
 	public void save_medias(Collection<Media> to_save) {
 		// Only save permanent files who are songs or podcasts
 		foreach(Media s in to_save) {

=== modified file 'src/Core/LibraryManager.vala'
--- src/Core/LibraryManager.vala	2012-07-06 21:40:14 +0000
+++ src/Core/LibraryManager.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 	private HashMap<int, int> _current_view; // id, media of currently showing medias
 	private LinkedList<Media> _queue; // rowid, Media of queue
 	private LinkedList<Media> _already_played; // Media of already played
-	private HashMap<string, Gdk.Pixbuf> cover_album_art; // All album art
+	public CoverManager cover_album_art; // All album art
 	public LastFM.Core lfm;
@@ -135,8 +135,9 @@
 		this.dbm = new DataBaseManager(this);
 		this.dbu = new DataBaseUpdater(this, dbm);
-		this.fo = new BeatBox.FileOperator(this, settings);
-		this.pm = new PodcastManager(this, lw);
+		cover_album_art = new CoverManager();
+		fo = new BeatBox.FileOperator(this, settings);
+		pm = new PodcastManager(this, lw);
@@ -154,7 +155,18 @@
 		_current_view = new HashMap<int, int>();
 		_queue = new LinkedList<Media>();
 		_already_played = new LinkedList<Media>();
-		cover_album_art = new HashMap<string, Gdk.Pixbuf>();
+        cover_album_art.cover_changed.connect((artist, album) => {
+            Gee.LinkedList<Media> updated_medias = new Gee.LinkedList<Media>();
+            foreach(int i in media_ids()) {
+                if(media_from_id(i).album_artist == artist && media_from_id(i).album == album) {
+                    updated_medias.add(media_from_id(i));
+                }
+            }
+            update_medias(updated_medias, false, false, true);
+        });
 		lfm = new LastFM.Core(this);
@@ -1637,7 +1649,7 @@
 		if(pix != null) {
-			fo.save_album_art_in_cache(_media.get(id), pix);
+			cover_album_art.save_album_art_in_cache(_media.get(id), pix);
 			set_album_art(_media.get(id), pix, emit);
@@ -1656,62 +1668,16 @@
 			return null;
 		in_fetch_thread = true;
-		//GStreamerTagger tagger = new GStreamerTagger(this);
-		LinkedList<Media> medias = new LinkedList<Media>();
+        LinkedList<Media> medias = new LinkedList<Media>();
-		foreach(var m in _media.values)
-			medias.add(m);
+		medias.add_all(_media.values);
 		// first get from file
 		foreach(var s in medias) {
-			string key = get_media_coverart_key(s), path = "";
-			Gdk.Pixbuf? pix = null;
-			if(key != null && !cover_album_art.has_key (key) && s.mediatype != MediaType.STATION) { // songs and podcasts only
-				Gdk.Pixbuf? coverart_pixbuf = fo.get_cached_album_art (key, out path);
-				// try to get image from cache (faster)					
-				if (coverart_pixbuf != null) {
-					pix = Icons.get_pixbuf_shadow (coverart_pixbuf);
-				}
-				else {
-					/* TODO: Get image from the tagger object (i.e. song metadata) */
-					//coverart_pixbuf = tagger.get_embedded_art(s);
-					if ((path = fo.get_best_album_art_file(s)) != null && path != "") {
-						try {
-							coverart_pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file (path);
-							//coverart_pixbuf = _pix.scale_simple (200, 200, Gdk.InterpType.BILINEAR);
-							pix = Icons.get_pixbuf_shadow (coverart_pixbuf);
-							// Add image to cache
-							fo.save_album_art_in_cache (s, coverart_pixbuf);
-						}
-						catch(GLib.Error err) {
-							warning (err.message);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				cover_album_art.set(key, pix);
-			}
-			if (key != null && cover_album_art.get (key) != null)
-				s.setAlbumArtPath (fo.get_cached_album_art_path (key));
-			else
-				s.setAlbumArtPath (Icons.DEFAULT_ALBUM_ART.backup_filename);
-		}
-		// now queue failures to fetch from embedded art
-		/*previousAlbum = "";
-		var to_check_art = new LinkedList<int>();
-		foreach(Media s in toShowS) {
-			if(_album_art.get(s.artist+s.album) == null)
-				to_check_art.add(s.rowid);
-		}
-		tagger.fetch_art(to_check_art);*/
-		//_album_art.set_all(to_set);
+            cover_album_art.fetch_cover_of_media(s);
+		}
 		message("Album art cached in memory.\n");
 		in_fetch_thread = false;
 		return null;
@@ -1729,7 +1695,8 @@
 	public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_album_art_from_file(int id) {
-		Media s = _media.get(id);
+        error("Not Implemented");
+		/*Media s = _media.get(id);
 		if(s == null)
 			return null;
@@ -1746,50 +1713,29 @@
 		catch(GLib.Error err) {}
-		return pix;
+		return pix;*/
+        return null;
 	public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cover_album_art(int id) {
 		Media s = _media.get(id);
-		if(s == null)
-			return null;
-		return cover_album_art.get(get_media_coverart_key (s));
-	}
-	// Returns a key to get a coverart from the cover_album_art hashmap
-	public string get_media_coverart_key (Media s) {
-		return (s.album_artist + " - " + s.album).replace("/", "_");
-	}
+		return cover_album_art.get_cover_album_art_from_media(s);
+	}
+    /**
+     * @deprecated: Use BeatBox.CoverManager directly.
+     **/
 	public Gdk.Pixbuf? get_cover_album_art_from_key(string album_artist, string album) {
-		return cover_album_art.get(album_artist + " - " + album);
-	}
+		return cover_album_art.get_cover_album_art_from_key(album_artist, album);
+    }
-	public void set_album_art(Media s, Gdk.Pixbuf? pix, bool emit) {
-		if(pix == null)
-			return;
-		string key = get_media_coverart_key (s);
-		if(key != null) {
-			cover_album_art.set(key, Icons.get_pixbuf_shadow(pix));
-			// We need to let views know of this update
-			if(emit) {
-				Gee.LinkedList<Media> updated_medias = new Gee.LinkedList<Media>();
-				foreach(int i in media_ids()) {
-					if(media_from_id(i).album_artist == s.album_artist && media_from_id(i).album == s.album) {
-						updated_medias.add(media_from_id(i));
-					}
-				}
-				update_medias(updated_medias, false, false, true);
-			}
-		}
+    /**
+     * @deprecated: Use BeatBox.CoverManager directly.
+     **/
+    public void set_album_art(Media s, Gdk.Pixbuf? pix, bool emit) {
+        cover_album_art.set_album_art(s, pix, emit);
 	public bool start_file_operations(string? message) {

=== modified file 'src/GStreamer/GStreamerTagger.vala'
--- src/GStreamer/GStreamerTagger.vala	2012-06-13 23:54:06 +0000
+++ src/GStreamer/GStreamerTagger.vala	2012-07-08 17:27:20 +0000
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@
  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-using Gst;
-using Gee;
+ * This class uses GStreamer functions to discover all media from a folder.
+ **/
 public class BeatBox.GStreamerTagger : GLib.Object {
-	LibraryManager lm;
+    CoverManager cover_art;
 	int size;
 	static int DISCOVER_SET_SIZE = 50;
 	Gst.Discoverer d;
 	Gst.Discoverer art_d;
-	HashMap<string, int> uri_to_id;
-	LinkedList<string> uri_queue;
+	Gee.HashMap<string, int> uri_to_id;
+	Gee.LinkedList<string> uri_queue;
 	public signal void media_imported(Media m);
 	public signal void import_error(string file);
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
 	bool cancelled;
-	public GStreamerTagger(LibraryManager lm) {
-		this.lm = lm;
+	public GStreamerTagger(CoverManager cover_art) {
+		this.cover_art = cover_art;
 		try {
-			d = new Discoverer((ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
+			d = new Gst.Discoverer((Gst.ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
 		catch(Error err) {
 			critical("Metadata reader could not create discoverer object: %s\n", err.message);
@@ -50,22 +50,20 @@
 		try {
-			art_d = new Discoverer((ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
+			art_d = new Gst.Discoverer((Gst.ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
 		catch(Error err) {
 			critical("Metadata reader could not create discoverer object: %s\n", err.message);
-		//art_d.discovered.connect(import_art);
-		//art_d.finished.connect(art_finished);
-		uri_to_id = new HashMap<string, int>();
-		uri_queue = new LinkedList<string>();
+		uri_to_id = new Gee.HashMap<string, int>();
+		uri_queue = new Gee.LinkedList<string>();
 	void finished() {
 		if(!cancelled && uri_queue.size > 0) {
 			try {
-				d = new Discoverer((ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
+				d = new Gst.Discoverer((Gst.ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
 			catch(Error err) {
 				critical("Metadata reader could not create discoverer object: %s\n", err.message);
@@ -89,13 +87,12 @@
 		debug("art finished %d %s\n", uri_queue.size, cancelled ? "true":"False");
 		if(!cancelled && uri_queue.size > 0) {
 			try {
-				art_d = new Discoverer((ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
+				art_d = new Gst.Discoverer((Gst.ClockTime)(10*Gst.SECOND));
 			catch(Error err) {
 				critical("Metadata reader could not create discoverer object: %s\n", err.message);
+                return;
-			//art_d.discovered.connect(import_art);
-			//art_d.finished.connect(art_finished);
 			for(int i = 0; i < DISCOVER_SET_SIZE && i < uri_queue.size; ++i) {
@@ -108,8 +105,6 @@
 	public void cancel_operations() {
-		//d.stop();
-		//queue_finished();
 		cancelled = true;
@@ -129,7 +124,7 @@
 	// This is the concurrent way of importing
-	public void discoverer_import_medias(LinkedList<string> files) {
+	public void discoverer_import_medias(Gee.LinkedList<string> files) {
 		size = 0;
 		cancelled = false;
@@ -145,7 +140,7 @@
-	public void fetch_art(LinkedList<Media> files) {
+	public void fetch_art(Gee.LinkedList<Media> files) {
 		size = 0;
 		cancelled = false;
@@ -165,11 +160,7 @@
-	/*public bool discoverer_get_art(Media s) {
-		return d.discover_uri_async("file://" + s.file);
-	}*/
-	void import_media(DiscovererInfo info, Error err) {
+	void import_media(Gst.DiscovererInfo info, Error err) {
@@ -184,61 +175,55 @@
 				GLib.Date? date = GLib.Date();
 				// get title, artist, album artist, album, genre, comment, lyrics strings
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_TITLE, out title))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_TITLE, out title))
 					s.title = title;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_ARTIST, out artist))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_ARTIST, out artist))
 					s.artist = artist;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_COMPOSER, out composer))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_COMPOSER, out composer))
 					s.composer = composer;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST, out album_artist))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST, out album_artist))
 					s.album_artist = album_artist;
 					s.album_artist = s.artist;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_ALBUM, out album))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_ALBUM, out album))
 					s.album = album;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_GROUPING, out grouping))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_GROUPING, out grouping))
 					s.grouping = grouping;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_GENRE, out genre))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_GENRE, out genre))
 					s.genre = genre;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_COMMENT, out comment))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_COMMENT, out comment))
 					s.comment = comment;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_string(TAG_LYRICS, out lyrics))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_string(Gst.TAG_LYRICS, out lyrics))
 					s.lyrics = lyrics;
 				// get the year
-				if(info.get_tags().get_date(TAG_DATE, out date)) {
+				if(info.get_tags().get_date(Gst.TAG_DATE, out date)) {
 					if(date != null)
 						s.year = (int)date.get_year();
 				// get track/album number/count, bitrating, rating, bpm
-				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(TAG_TRACK_NUMBER, out track))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(Gst.TAG_TRACK_NUMBER, out track))
 					s.track = (int)track;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(TAG_TRACK_COUNT, out track_count))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(Gst.TAG_TRACK_COUNT, out track_count))
 					s.track_count = track_count;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_NUMBER, out album_number))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(Gst.TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_NUMBER, out album_number))
 					s.album_number = album_number;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_COUNT, out album_count))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(Gst.TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_COUNT, out album_count))
 					s.album_count = album_count;
-				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(TAG_BITRATE, out bitrate))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(Gst.TAG_BITRATE, out bitrate))
 					s.bitrate = (int)(bitrate/1000);
-				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(TAG_USER_RATING, out rating))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_uint(Gst.TAG_USER_RATING, out rating))
 					s.rating = (int)((rating > 0 && rating <= 5) ? rating : 0);
-				if(info.get_tags().get_double(TAG_BEATS_PER_MINUTE, out bpm))
+				if(info.get_tags().get_double(Gst.TAG_BEATS_PER_MINUTE, out bpm))
 					s.bpm = (int)bpm;
 				if(info.get_audio_streams().length() > 0)
 					s.samplerate = info.get_audio_streams().nth_data(0).get_sample_rate();
-				// get length
-				//if(info.get_tags().get_uint64(TAG_DURATION, out duration)) {
-				//	s.length = (uint)(duration/10000000);
-				//}
-				//else {
-					s.length = get_length(s.uri);
-				//}
+                s.length = get_length(s.uri);
 				// load embedded art
 				if(s.artist == null || s.artist == "") s.artist = "Unknown Artist";
@@ -337,9 +322,9 @@
 		return s;
-	void import_art(DiscovererInfo info, Media s) {
+	void import_art(Gst.DiscovererInfo info, Media s) {
 		int id = uri_to_id.get(info.get_uri());
-		if(lm.get_cover_album_art_from_key(s.album_artist, s.album) != null) {
+		if(cover_art.get_cover_album_art_from_key(s.album_artist, s.album) != null) {
 			debug("not loading embedded art since album already has art (%s)\n", s.album);
@@ -358,7 +343,7 @@
 					Gst.Structure caps_struct;
 					int imgtype;
-					value = info.get_tags().get_value_index(TAG_IMAGE, i);
+					value = info.get_tags().get_value_index(Gst.TAG_IMAGE, i);
 					if(value == null)
@@ -413,11 +398,10 @@
 				catch(Error err) {}
 				rv = loader.get_pixbuf();
-				//Thread.create<void*>(() => {
-					lm.fo.save_album_art_in_cache(s, rv);
-				//	return null;
-				//}, false);
-				lm.set_album_art(s, rv, false);
+                //lm.fo.save_album_art_in_cache(s, rv);
+                cover_art.set_album_art(s, rv, false);
 				message("Loaded embedded art from %s\n", info.get_uri());
 			catch(Error err) {
@@ -428,98 +412,6 @@
 	public bool save_media(Media s) {
 		return false;
-		/*Gst.Pipeline pipe = new Pipeline("pipe");
-		Element src = Element.make_from_uri(URIType.SRC, "file://" + s.file, null);
-		Element decoder = ElementFactory.make("decodebin", "decoder");
-		GLib.Signal.connect(decoder, "new-decoded-pad", (GLib.Callback)newDecodedPad, this);
-		if(!((Gst.Bin)pipe).add_many(src, decoder)) {
-			stdout.printf("Could not add src and decoder to pipeline to save metadata\n");
-			return false;
-		}
-		if(!src.link_many(decoder)) {
-			stdout.printf("Could not link src to decoder to save metadata\n");
-			return false;
-		}
-		Gst.Element queue = ElementFactory.make("queue", "queue");
-		Gst.Element queue2 = ElementFactory.make("queue", "queue2");
-		if(queue == null || queue2 == null) {
-			stdout.printf("could not add create queues to save metadata\n");
-			return false;
-		}
-		if(!((Gst.Bin)pipe).add_many(queue, queue2)) {
-			stdout.printf("Could not add queue's to save metadata\n");
-			return false;
-		}
-		queue.set("max-size-time", 120 * Gst.SECOND);
-		//Element encoder = new_element_from_uri(URIType.SINK, "file://" + s.file, null);
-		Gst.TagList tags;
-		bool rv = true;
-		//long day;
-		tags = new TagList();
-		tags.add(TagMergeMode.REPLACE,  TAG_TITLE, s.title,
-										TAG_ARTIST, s.artist,
-										TAG_COMPOSER, s.composer,
-										TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST, s.album_artist,
-										TAG_ALBUM, s.album,
-										TAG_GROUPING, s.grouping,
-										TAG_GENRE, s.genre,
-										TAG_COMMENT, s.comment,
-										TAG_LYRICS, s.lyrics,
-										TAG_TRACK_NUMBER, s.track,
-										TAG_TRACK_COUNT, s.track_count,
-										TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_NUMBER, s.album_number,
-										TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_COUNT, s.album_count,
-										TAG_USER_RATING, s.rating);
-		/* fetch date, set new year to s.year, set date */
-		// now find a tag setter interface and use it
-		/*Gst.Iterator iter;
-		bool done;
-		iter = ((Gst.Bin)pipeline).iterate_all_by_interface(typeof(Gst.TagSetter));
-		done = false;
-		while (!done) {
-			  Gst.TagSetter tagger = null;
-			  switch (iter.next(out tagger) {
-			  case GST_ITERATOR_OK:
-					tagger.merge_tags (tags, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE_ALL);
-					break;
-					iter.resync();
-					break;
-					stdout.printf("Could not update metadata on media\n");
-					rv = false;
-					done = true;
-					break;
-					done = true;
-					break;
-			  }
-		}
-		return rv;	*/
 	public bool save_embeddeart_d(Gdk.Pixbuf pix) {

Follow ups