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[Blueprint default-plugs] Default Plugs in Pantheon


Blueprint changed by Sergey Davidoff:

Whiteboard changed:
  Displays: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/pantheon-plugs/+spec
  Appearance: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/pantheon-plugs/+spec/wallpaper-plug
  - Theme?
  - Toolbar Style?
  Online Services: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/pantheon-plugs/+spec
  Dock (Plank):
  Assigned to: mefrio
  - Size
  - Hiding (Never Hide, Always Hide, Autohide)
  - Monitor
  - Items management: add, remove, ordering
  hcabaguio: http://bassultra.deviantart.com/art/Switchboard-Plank-Plug-254600588
- hcabaguio: http://bassultra.deviantart.com/art/Switchboard-Docky-Plug-254612651
  Mario Guerriero
  -- NOT DONE --
  Dock (Docky):
  Assigned to:
  - Multiple Docks
  - Icon size
  - Theme
  - Hide
  - Zoom size
  - Panel mode
  - 3D Background
  - Docklets/Helpers
  # Mockups:
  hcabaguio: http://bassultra.deviantart.com/art/Switchboard-Docky-Plug-254612651
  # Implementation:
  Assigned to: ________
  - Input Device
  -- Select Device
  -- Select Input level
  -- Mute Input
  -- See volume monitor
  - Output Device
  -- Select Device
  -- Balance Audio left/right
  -- Select Output level
  -- Mute Output
  - Sound Effects
  -- Enable/Disable sound effects (all at once or individually)
  -- Select an output device for alerts
  -- Select Alert volume
  DanRabbit: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/Sound-Plug-254617573
  Assigned to: V_for_Vincent
  # Expected Functionality:
  - Shortcuts
  - Layout
  - Key repeat
  alfalive: http://alfalive.deviantart.com/art/Keyboard-Layout-V2-255175000
  Spiceofdesign: http://spiceofdesign.deviantart.com/art/Keyboard-Plug-Mockup-254066488
  System Notifications (Notify-OSD config):
  Assigned to: gotwig, amandeepgrewal
  # Expected Fuctionality:
  - enabling/disabling notifications per app - I´m pretty sure, that I dont will have enough time to do this. -- Gotwig
  - theme?
  - duration?
  - position?
  # Mockups:
  Spiceofdesign: http://spiceofdesign.deviantart.com/art/Notifications-Plug-253966831
  Eduard Gotwig, Amandeep Grewal
  # Discussion:
  If we want to use the plug that I will write, we have to use my "tweaked" notify-osd.
  Here is a branch of it, still needs packaging: https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/notify-osd/my-notify-osd  -- Gotwig
  Mouse and Touchpad:
  Assigned to: V_for_Vincent
  # Expected functionality:
  - Enable/Disable Horizontal scrolling
  - Enable/Disable Natural scrolling
  - Enable/Disable Multi-touch
  - Enable/Disable Pointer reveal
  - Mouse sensitivity and acceleration
  - Right or Left handed buttons
  - Enable/Disable Tap to click
  - Enable/Disable touchpad while typing
  - Enable/Disable/Edge/Two-finger scrolling with touchpad
  - Enable/Disable common multi-touch gestures.
  # Mockups:
  DanRabbit: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/Mouse-and-Touchpad-Plug-254063961
  V_for_Vincent https://code.launchpad.net/~vincentnys/+junk/plug_mouse
  User Accounts:
  Assigned to: samtate
  # Expected functionality:
  - Create/delete accounts
  - Change password
  # Mockups:
  - DanRabbit: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3a8ver
  Device Syncing/Management:
  Assigned to: matr0
  # Expected Functionality:
  - Rename Device
  - Set auto-sync
  - Open app when plugged in
  - show how full device is
  # Mockups:
  - DanRabbit: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3crf10
  Network Connections:
  Assigned to: ________
  # Expected Functionality
  - Add/Remove preferred network connections
  - Enable/Disable all networking (Airplane Mode)
  - Enable/Disable specific network interfaces (ethernet, wireless, 3g, etc)
  # Mockups:
  - Dikoo: http://dikoo.deviantart.com/art/Network-Plug-254160458
  Assigned to: netherblood
  # Done
  - Add/Remove shares (using samba)
  - Enable/Disable file sharing
  - Enable/Disable Screen Sharing (VNC)
  - Set computer name (what it shows up as on the network)
  - Enable/Disable Remote Login (SSH)
  # ToDo
  - Enable/Disable Optical Drive sharing
  - Enable/Disable Printer Sharing
  - Enable Disable Audio Sharing (Pulseaudio)
  # Implementation:
  - Ivo Nunes
  - https://code.launchpad.net/~netherblood/+junk/sharing-plug
  Power Management
  Assigned to: iTuxer
  - Time to sleep (AC and battery power separately)
  - Power button action
  - Sleep button action
  - Low power action
  - Time to power off screen
  - dim display on battery power
  - dim display when inactive
  - lid close action (preferably AC and battery power separately)
  bzr branch lp:power-plug
  System Info
  Assigned to: Giulio Collura
  # Done
  - Show basic informations
  # ToDo
  - Write a real description
  - Translations
  - More informations (?)
  - Storage
  -- Show internal drive contents (including different partitions) with segmented progress bar showing content types (like the one from devices)
  -- Show Optical drives and what disc formats can be written by each drive
  -- Processor Speed
  -- Graphics Card
  -- Total amount of RAM, how many sticks of RAM, how much memory is on each stick
  # Implementation
  # Screenshot
  Startup Applications:
  Assigned to: david4dev
  # Expected Functionality
  - Enable/Disable startup applications
  - Add/Remove startup applications
  - Edit Name/Command/Comment/Icon
  # Mockup
  - ottorobba: http://ottorobba.deviantart.com/art/Start-Up-Options-Plug-255411293
  Keyboard Layout:
  Assigned to: alfalive,  and?
  # Expected Functionality
  - Quick search for layouts
  - Choosen layout immidiatly previewed
  - Set multiple keyboard layouts
  - Sort layouts
  - Different layouts for individual windows
  # Mockup
  Assigned to:
  # Expected Functionality
  - Add/Remove fonts
  - Preview of installed fonts by Family and Style
  -- Set preview text (choice of alphabet/numbers, pangrams ["The quick brown fox . . ."], "Lorem ipsum", or custom user-typed text)
  -- Set preview font size
  - Set system fonts, like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5279564/elementary-os-fonts.png
  # Mockups
  - silare: http://silare.deviantart.com/art/Fonts-Plug-Mockup-255375915
  - formatting numbers, dates, names, etc
  - timezone
  - language
  - metric vs imperial
  Something which is currently missing in most plugs is correct installation according to
  Sample cmake plug project: https://code.launchpad.net/~random-cpp/+junk/sample-cmake-plug

Default Plugs in Pantheon