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Re: State of translations site generator


Hi, everyone!

Sorry for the spam, but I've improved the script, and it will now generate links for the untranslated and needs review numbers, just like how it works on launchpad.

I've uploaded the script to launchpad, which means that the latest version can always be found here:



On 2013-02-28 23:23, Marcus Lundgren wrote:
Hi, everyone!

Being somewhat frustrated with not being able to get a good view of how the current state of the translations in each of the projects is, and eager to learn some python, I've created a simple script which will generate a simple website which will hopefully be useful.

It will find all of the translatable projects at https://translations.launchpad.net/elementary and will then go through each of the projects, extract the untranslated and needs review numbers and output all of the information as html in a file called index.htm.

Some usage help:

# This will output information for all of the languages
python elementary_translations.py

# This will only output information for the Swedish language
python elementary_translations.py -l sv

# This will only output information for the Swedish and English (United Kingdom) languages
python elementary_translations.py -l sv -l en_GB

Attached is the script and a sample output.


Follow ups
