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[Question #250889]: Suddenly getting permission refused to save edits made using /etc command


New question #250889 on samba in Ubuntu:

In my Kubuntu 14.04 I have been trying with limited success in using Samba share. 

While earlier i was able to make as well as save edits, suddenly i am getting denial of permission for the same. May be I have made some mistake somewhere and landed here.

when i tried to save using the commnd kate gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf, on the output screen I tried adding 'wins' before 'dns mdns4'

I am unable to save it even if I give a commd to save it as using the same file name by overwriting.

How do I get over it?

By partial success I mean, now I am able to work with other computers using Smb4k but other computers are unable tosee my kubuntu!


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