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Yes, I've looked at it. It's one of a handful of projects that have
some similarities with the FEniCS project. But I don't see any
immediate use for it right now, except for possibly using ALUGrid for
adaptive mesh refinement.


On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 09:54:26AM -0400, tomtzigt wrote:
> Are any of you familiar with the DUNE project? It looks like FEniCS could
> benefit from this effort. I came across them because the key players of DUNE
> are involved in the BOOST.MPI library review.
> <http://www.dune-project.org>
> Most finite element or finite volume software is built around a fixed mesh data
> structure.
> Therefore, each software package can only be used efficiently for a relatively
> narrow
> class of applications. For example, implementations supporting unstructured
> meshes
> allow the approximation of complex geometries but are in general much slower
> and
> require more memory than implementations using structured meshes. In this paper
> we
> show how a generic mesh interface can be defined such that one algorithm, e. g.
> a finite
> element discretization scheme, can work efficiently on different mesh
> implementations.
> These ideas have also been extended to vectors and sparse matrices where
> iterative
> solvers can be written in a generic way using the interface. These components
> are available
> within the “Distributed Unified Numerics Environment” (DUNE).
> It may be beneficial to invite them to Delft in November.
> Theo

> _______________________________________________
> FEniCS-dev mailing list
> FEniCS-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
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