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We now have a buildbot that builds all packages nightly (and runs unit tests, regression tests, builds demos etc if any):


It runs nightly or when triggered by a commit to the repository (hook is currently in place only for DOLFIN). Project maintainers should make sure their packages build and that all tests and hooks are in place (ask me for details). Note that the old "compile bot" for DOLFIN will be taken offline.

To monitor the current build status of a project, add the RSS feed to your favorite news reader (I can recommend the Sage plugin for Firefox).

The buildbot currently runs only on one architecture which is x86 Debian. We also have another build target (other_arch) which is running on the same machine just for testing. More machines will be added later. If anyone has a favorite OS/architecture they want to run the tests on, send us an email and we can add it as a build slave.

Thanks to Mads Hoel (Summer intern at Simula) who has done an excellent job setting up the buildbot.
