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CBCsolve with arbitrary meshes and several material models



I am trying to modify twist.py to run a nonlinear elasticity problem with irregular meshes (i.e., something beyond the use of the UnitSquare) and distinct material models for mesh sub-domains.

Should we be thinking of modifying the VariationalProblem class to accommodate a different mesh? Since the VariationalProblem class was created in c++ and is now contained in _cpp.so, we cannot modify the VariationalProblem class any way right now. Has it already been converted to a VariationalProblem.py?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Best regards,

---Krishna Garikipati

Krishna Garikipati
University of Michigan
Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics
and Center for Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics
3003B EECS
Tel: +1-734-936-0414, Fax: +1-734-647-9379