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Re: FEniCS Tutorial at ESCO 2010


On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 08:43:07AM -0500, Andy Ray Terrel wrote:
> Hello,
> I have agreed to give a FEniCS Tutorial at ESCO 2010 [0].  If anyone
> is interested and in the area feel free to drop by.

Cool. One thing to consider would be to have a common repository for
tutorial material. I have some slides I can donate if you are

> Additionally I was wondering if anyone has ever made a live cd with
> the necessary FEniCS software installed?  It would be nice to avoid
> having participants actually trying to install everything on site.

Not that I know of but it sounds like a good idea.

Someone at Simula made a live CD a couple of years back with some
other software (including DOLFIN) but I don't know who made the CD,
and there are probably new and better tools to use these days.


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