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fenics team
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Message #01574
Re: 1.0 beta
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:58:06PM +0200, Marie E. Rognes wrote:
> On 11. aug. 2011, at 20:28, Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I'm planning to make a release of 1.0 beta of all relevant packages
> > later tonight (waiting for Kent to submit a bugfix).
> >
> Great!
> > Is it time for a 1.0 beta release of the web pages as well?
> >
> > There are some things to fix still but I'm expecting it will take
> > a month from here to 1.0 and approximately the same time to finish the
> > web pages.
> >
> > So, should we publish the web pages as is and then improve, or wait?
> >
> I vote for waiting a little for once, considering the number of pages that are still pretty rough.
> One detail in particular: could we please remove the "Mathematical physics can be fun" from the front page?
You need to take it up with Harish. ;-)
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