fenics team mailing list archive
fenics team
Mailing list archive
Message #01599
Dear FEniCS community,
A preliminary web page is up for the upcoming 2011 Red Raider Minisymposium
/ FEniCS meeting at Texas Tech:
The meeting will be 3-5 November in Lubbock, TX, USA, and a block of rooms
has been reserved at the conference hotel, the Lubbock Embassy Suites.
Please note that this room block will be coordinated by our department
supervisor, Ms. Deanna McKinin, rather than directly by the hotel.
We will plan on starting the afternoon of the 3rd and run through the
morning of the 5th, with an optional social outing on the afternoon of the
We do not have a registration form for abstract submission yet, but I will
be receiving submissions of title/abstract by email. We invite all who are
interested in applications and development of FEniCS and other high-level
mathematical software to submit talks.
Rob Kirby