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Message #01602
Re: fenics-web application gallery patch
On 8/22/11 11:52 PM, Kristian Ølgaard wrote:
> Hi,
> Attached is a patch which adds FEniCS Plasticity to the application gallery.
> BTW, is it possible to build the web pages such that paths to images
> etc. will appear as:
> '/home/oelgaard/fenics-web/build/html/_static/images/foo.png' instead of just
> '/_static/images/foo.png'
> which will make it easier to test?
Hi, I've applied this patch. Thanks!
I am not sure it is easy to change the paths that way. If you want to
test it easily, try starting a local Apache server loading the
fenics-web/build/html folder. This works well for me.
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