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Re: web server problem


On 11/10/11 9:36 AM, Joachim Berdal Haga wrote:
ns1.nameisp.com <http://ns1.nameisp.com> only returns A records for
www.fenics*, not fenics*, and no CNAMEs either. This looks like a
configuration issue, not a cache issue (since you're querying the
authorative server, not a cacheing server), and likely won't go away by

Command line for checking:
   for n in {www.,}fenicsproject.{com,org}; do printf $n\\t; dig $n
@ns1.nameisp.com <http://ns1.nameisp.com> | grep --color ANSWER:..; done

Do you know how the settings (CNAME, A record etc.) need to look for both www.foo and foo to both point to the same server?


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