fenics team mailing list archive
fenics team
Mailing list archive
Message #01693
Plan for release of 1.0
The following releases have now been made:
DOLFIN 1.0-rc2
FFC 1.0-rc1
UFC 2.0.4
I expect DOLFIN and FFC can be (or are already) ready for
1.0.0 next week. I think the same is true for UFL.
I don't think a release candidate is needed for FIAT so we can just
release 1.0.0 next week together with the other packages. Same goes
for Viper.
My suggestion is to release 1.0.0 next Wednesday Dec 7. The main
concern until then is to test the new releases and review the web
pages and documentation before the release.
Is that ok for everyone?
Follow ups