fenics team mailing list archive
fenics team
Mailing list archive
Message #01703
Branches, series and stuff
As part of the ongoing work with releasing 1.0 (only DOLFIN remaining
now...) I have added series (0.x, 1.0, trunk) and branches (1.0.x,
trunk) on Launchpad for most of our projects (Martin fixed UFL and I
fixed DOLFIN, FFC, FIAT, UFC, Instant, Viper, FErari). We have also
retargeted all existing milestones to the proper series and updated
the graphics on Launchpad.
So everyone need to get familiar with the new branches and make sure
they know where to push.
I'm feeling the Launchpad and release administration is becoming quite
tedious and my finger actually hurts from all the clicking on
Launchpad buttons. Since we have 10 or so different projects to worry
about, there's an extra factor 10 to everything we do. Not only will
my (or someone else's) finger hurt every time we make a new release,
but there's a greater chance something will go wrong (clicking the
wrong button).
So I wonder if there's any chance we could simplify the source code
management for all our packages. One crazy idea would be to just throw
everything into one single package (maybe with the exception of
DOLFIN), let every package have its own subdirectory, but keep a
common Launchpad page and a common tarball.
I know there are tons of reasons we shouldn't do this (I can think of
quite a few myself) but there seem to be some arguments in favor, the
main one being that we have x packages and y << x very active package
Follow ups