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Re: questions on scicomp


On 27/03/13 20:37, Anders Logg wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 09:10:48PM +0100, Nico Schlömer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> when asking questions about FEniCS/Dolfin, is it still recommended to
>> use Launchpad or can we already switch to stackexchange, i.e., are you
>> guys already watching the fenics-tagged questions coming in over
>> there?
> I suggest we wait until we've converted the repositories, then after
> that focus on moving the questions over to stackexchange.

Why not encourage to start asking questions over there already?
StackExchange is about critical mass, so people will feel more
comfortable using it when they're not the first to ask a question.

You're not planning to actually migrate the questions from
answers.launchpad.net to scicomp, are you?


> --
> Anders

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