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Re: [Dolfin] Deadline for merge of development branches


On 27/03/13 21:40, Anders Logg wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 03:23:53PM +0000, Florian Rathgeber wrote:
>> On 26/03/13 22:32, Anders Logg wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 09:57:00PM +0000, Florian Rathgeber
>>> wrote: ok. So from what I've heard so far, it seems there are
>>> really no strong objections to converting to git in combination
>>> with stripping, and forcing all branches to start from scratch
>>> on the git side.
>>> I wouldn't mind making it easier to transition feature
>>> branches, but it seems very difficult to do so.
>> Yes, I still haven't found a satisfactory solution that is safe
>> in all cases. The only safe solution I can think of at the moment
>> is: 1) bzr -> git convert trunk with export of marks files 2)
>> import *all* feature branches 3) filter the entire history,
>> removing files we don't want 4) archive the new git repo with
>> *all* branches on the fenics webserver with public read-only
>> access 5) push only the master branch (bzr trunk) to bitbucket 6)
>> instruct people how they can fetch their feature branches into 
>> their own (local) clones and then push to their own forks
> What exactly does it mean to import all branches? Will it somehow 
> affect repository that we put on bitbucket?
>> I've asked a question on SO, maybe someone has an idea: 
>> http://stackoverflow.com/q/15660467/396967
>> I'm currently discussing with Jelmer on #bzr: There's yet
>> another conversion route using bzr dpush and/or bzr serve --git.
>> That doesn't seems very promising either though: it's mostly
>> designed to allow contributing to git projects using bzr (and we
>> want the opposite).
> ok. My main take on this right now is that I haven't heard anyone 
> saying that it's important to convert the feature branches, so I'm
> not going to spend a lot of time thinking about it. :-) But as
> before, if you come up with a good solution, I wouldn't mind.
> I've moved the conversion script from the old gist to bitbucket.
> The plan is to use this script to do the conversion:
> https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/fenics-bzr-to-git-conversion-2013
>  This should happen next weekend.

I've updated the conversion script and have it call another script to
import all branches registered on launchpad for the given project. So
when running the script you end up with a git repository for the
project which contains *all* bzr branches from launchpad migrated to
git with the correct ancestry relationships etc. An additional
advantage is that obsolete branches fully "contained" within other
branches are skipped.

Now we need to decide the final list of files to strip for DOLFIN and
FFC. Presumably there's no other projects we want to filter history?
Then it's relatively straightforward to add a script to strip those
files from history.


> -- Anders

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