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Re: Git repositories


On 08/04/13 08:46, Anders Logg wrote:
> The conversion to git is now complete. (Thanks again to Florian
> for helping us out with the scripting!) Here are some initial
> instructions for how to access the new code.
> - The new repositories can be found here:
> https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project
> - The repositories (here DOLFIN) can be cloned by:
> git clone https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin.git
> - Developers with write access should use:
> git clone git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:fenics-project/dolfin.git

There's no harm always cloning via SSH.

> - A full 1.2 GB archive of all the repositories, before and after 
> conversion, before and after filtering, including all feature 
> branches hosted on Launchpad can be downloaded from here:
> http://fenicsproject.org/pub/archive/
> Developers of feature branches should be able to clone their
> feature branches in git from the above address, push to bitbucket,
> and make pull requests.

To be clear: We have migrated all feature branches for all FEniCS
projects as they were on launchpad on Friday afternoon. So if your
branch was up-to-date on launchpad you don't need to do any conversion
yourself (in fact you shouldn't).

A DOLFIN branch lp:~user/dolfin/mybranch has been converted to the git
branch user/mybranch (similar for the other projects i.e. the project
name has been left out).

To get your branch (again assuming DOLFIN), do the following:

# clone DOLFIN (only contains the master branch, formerly trunk)
$ git clone git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:fenics-project/dolfin.git
$ cd dolfin

# Add a git remote called archive and select only your specific branch
$ git remote add -t user/mybranch archive
$ git fetch archive

# List local and remote branches
$ git branch -av

# Look at the history graph and check your branch's ancestry is correct
$ git log --graph --oneline --annotate --decorate --all

# If everything is fine, check out your branch and profit!
$ git checkout user/mybranch

If you want to pull down multiple branches or don't remember your
branch names you can also fetch all branches by omitting the -t
argument when adding the git remote. You can then list all branch
names and pick the ones you want to continue working on.

For other projects, replace dolfin by the project name (but see the
notice below). All repositories are archived at

IMPORTANT: We rewrote the history and stripped files for DOLFIN, FFC
and UFC, which is why you *have to* use {dolfin,ffc,ufc}.filtered.git
but {dorsal,ferari,fiat,instant,ufl}.git. Please be very careful not
to accidentally import the non-filtered history of those 3 projects!


> - A very good resource for how to use git can be found here:
> http://git-scm.com/book
> I suggest everyone reads it carefully, at least the first three 
> chapters, but here's a very quick git introduction:
> 1. Same as hg/bzr with: git add, rm, commit, clone, push, pull,
> status
> 2. Files need to be staged before commit: git add foo, or use
> commit -a.
> 3. The whole bzr mess of needing to merge in a separate directory
> is gone. Just pull (or fetch + merge), commit, push as with hg.
> 4. Branches are very light-weight and in-directory, as opposed to 
> bzr with one-directory-per-branch.
> - Work in progress: new mailing list, moving questions to 
> stackexchange, closing down Launchpad pages, moving issues, 
> downloading copies of tarballs from Launchpad and archive on web 
> page. Please comment and contribute.
> -- Anders

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Follow ups
