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fenics team mailing list archive

IMPORTANT: New mailing list!


The mailing lists on Launchpad are now officially retired.

Please everyone subscribe to the new mailing list here:


The address for the new list is simply


Some comments:

- We will have one single list for all discussions and announcements.

- One list will make it easier to reach everyone with important
  messages (like this one). If we find a need for a special list,
  we can easily create more lists later.

- User questions will be moved to scicomp.stackexchange.com as
  discussed earlier. Before we can do that, we need to think through
  what the instructions for posting there should be. (A good topic
  for discussion on the new list.)

- The old mailing lists are archived on mail-archive.com, for example:


- Running our own mailing list means we get to keep the address
  even when we move services (like the current move from Launchpad).
