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Add unique number of each function and count the number of [...]


Commit from logg (2005-02-01 16:32 CET)

Add unique number of each function and count the number of

Remains: Modify DOLFIN output format to generate code for initialization
of the list of functions.

  ffc  ChangeLog                           1.23
  ffc  src/demo/navierstokes.form          1.6
  ffc  src/demo/poisson.form               1.8
  ffc  src/demo/poissonsystem.form         1.2
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/algebra.py         1.4
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/coefficient.py     1.3
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/compiler.py        1.4
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/form.py            1.5
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/geometrytensor.py  1.3
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/index.py           1.3
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/reassign.py        1.3
  ffc  src/ffc/format/dolfin.py            1.10