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Updates for FIAT-L 0.2.0. FFC now uses VectorLagrange directly instead [...]


Commit from logg (2005-04-28 23:31 CEST)

Updates for FIAT-L 0.2.0. FFC now uses VectorLagrange directly instead
of wrapping it.

Warning: This new version of FFC is slower than previous versions (since
I no longer know which functions are identically zero), but this will
improve once I get the tabulation in there.

  ffc  TODO                                 1.26
  ffc  src/demo/elasticity.form             1.3
  ffc  src/demo/navierstokes.form           1.7
  ffc  src/demo/poissonsystem.form          1.3
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/algebra.py          1.10
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/finiteelement.py    1.7
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/geometrytensor.py   1.8
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/integrand.py        1.5
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/integrator.py       1.8
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/referencetensor.py  1.8
- ffc  src/ffc/compiler/tensorspace.py      1.7
  ffc  src/ffc/format/dolfin.py             1.20
  ffc  src/reference/Elasticity.h           1.5
  ffc  src/reference/Heat.h                 1.4
  ffc  src/reference/NavierStokes.h         1.4
  ffc  src/reference/Poisson.h              1.4
  ffc  src/reference/PoissonSystem.h        1.4