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Re: ffc-0.2.0 problem with running demos


Which version of Python and Python Numeric are you running?
I'm using Python 2.4.1 and Python Numeric 23.8-3 (from Debian)
and all forms compile cleanly on my system.

This looks like a problem with using the correct dot function. The
Python Numeric dot function tries to take the conjugate of one of the
arguments. It would help if you commented out some of the exception
handling code in src/bin/ffc:

#        except RuntimeError, exception:
#            print "*** " + str(exception)
#        except Exception, exception:
#            print "*** " + str(exception)

which would print out a traceback to give some more information about
the error.

I should probably add a flag -d (for debug) to ffc that prints out the
full traceback on errors.


On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 10:18:02AM -0700, osman buyukisik wrote:
> Hi,
>   After I installed ffc-0.2.0 , tried the demos directory. I am getting the 
> following error:
> osman@linux:~/ffc-0.2.0/src/demo> ffc Stokes.form
> This is FFC, the FEniCS Form Compiler, version 0.2.0.
> For further information, go to http://www/fenics.org/ffc/.
> Parsing Stokes.form
> Output written to Stokes.py
> *** Sum instance has no attribute 'conjugate'
> osman@linux:~/ffc-0.2.0/src/demo>
> Mass.form, Elasticity.form, NavierStokes.form, PoissonSystem.form  work; 
> Heat.form, Stokes.form, Poisson.form do not, similar error.
> -osman
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Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

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