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Generate code for sub elements of mixed elements as nested [...]


Commit from logg (2005-10-31 05:01 CET)

Generate code for sub elements of mixed elements as nested
private classes. Also need to add an appropriate access function
to sub elements in the generate code, something like

    const FiniteElement& FiniteElement::operator[] (uint i)

This will enable improved support for mixed elements and
slices/components of Functions in DOLFIN.

Need to decide on the appropriate way of defining slices. In FFC, we

    (u, p) = Functions(element)

so we need something similar in DOLFIN. One option is

    BilinearForm a;
    Function u, p;
    a.trial(u, p);

but I don't particularly like it. Other suggestions?

  ffc  src/ffc/common/debug.py            1.5
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/compiler.py       1.30
  ffc  src/ffc/compiler/finiteelement.py  1.26
  ffc  src/ffc/format/dolfin.py           1.56