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[HG] Turn off verbose comments:


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary FFC repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   369:bae5076caa9a28596db1244815a18c0a3cc5258d
tag:         tip
user:        "Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Mar 28 23:18:05 2006 -0500
files:       src/bin/ffc src/ffc/common/debug.py src/ffc/common/progress.py src/ffc/compiler/compiler.py src/ffc/compiler/monomialintegration.py src/ffc/compiler/reorder.py src/ffc/format/dolfin.py src/ffc/format/dolfinswig.py src/ffc/parser/simple.py
Turn off verbose comments:

 - Default debug level is now -1
 - Change to debug level 0 to get printing like before:

       ffc -d 0 foo.form

 - Turn on more comments with -d 1, -d 2 etc

changeset:   368:87e738ec7d20f4959fcb1f940eb0dd14cc8bd3b5
user:        "Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Mon Mar 27 16:56:40 2006 -0500
files:       src/ffc/format/dolfin.py src/ffc/format/dolfinswig.py src/reference/Elasticity.h src/reference/EnergyNorm.h src/reference/Heat.h src/reference/Mass.h src/reference/NavierStokes.h src/reference/Poisson.h src/reference/PoissonSystem.h src/reference/Projection.h src/reference/Stokes.h src/reference/TensorWeightedPoisson.h
Generate empty integration for boundary.

This should fix a compilation problem with the Intel C++ compiler
which doesn't like if only one of two overloaded virtual functions
(eval() and eval()) are implemented.

changeset:   367:633289e475b38ef1d75e988d0a2e5b5e1cc3ba92
user:        "Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Wed Mar 22 23:55:37 2006 -0500
files:       src/ffc/compiler/optimization.py
Some initial experiments with FErari

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/ffc