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It is written in the ffc-user-manual that adding the flag -l latex
ffc generates output in LATEX format. However, something else must be done
since I get:

\> ffc -l latex Poisson.form
This is FFC, the FEniCS Form Compiler, version 0.4.0-pre1.
For further information, go to http://www/fenics.org/ffc/.

Preprocessing form file: Poisson.form --> Poisson.py

*** Don't know how to compile code for language "latex".
*** To get more information about this error, rerun ffc with the option -d1.
paulo@alinex-2PUb8L poisson\> ffc -d1 -l latex Poisson.form
This is FFC, the FEniCS Form Compiler, version 0.4.0-pre1.
For further information, go to http://www/fenics.org/ffc/.

Preprocessing form file: Poisson.form --> Poisson.py

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/paulo/builds/bin/ffc", line 175, in ?
  File "/home/paulo/builds/bin/ffc", line 102, in main
    execfile(outname, ns)
  File "Poisson.py", line 30, in ?
    compile([a, L, M, element], "Poisson", "tensor", "latex", {'blas':
False, 'precision=': '15', 'optimize': False})
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ffc/compiler/compiler.py", line
66, in compile
    __compile_forms(forms, prefix, representation, output_language, options)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ffc/compiler/compiler.py", line
81, in __compile_forms
    format = __choose_format(output_language)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ffc/compiler/compiler.py", line
234, in __choose_format
    raise RuntimeError, "Don't know how to compile code for language
\"%s\"." % output_language
RuntimeError: Don't know how to compile code for language "latex".


Follow ups