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compiling forms


I've tried to recompile the updated elasticity form present in the old
FEniCS modules with the new FFC. I've modified the syntax as:

# Test form for updated elasticity

name = "ElasticityUpdated"
element1 = VectorElement("Discontinuous Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 0, 9)
element2 = VectorElement("Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 1)

nuv = Constant("tetrahedron")	# viscosity coefficient

v = TestFunction(element2)
f = Function(element2)
sigma = Function(element1)
epsilon = Function(element1)

def tomatrix(q):
    return [ [q[3 * i + j] for i in range(3)] for j in range(3) ]

sigmam = tomatrix(sigma)
epsilonm = tomatrix(epsilon)

L = ( dot(f,v) - dot(sigmam, grad(v)) - nuv * dot(epsilonm, grad(v)) ) * dx

but I obtain the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ffc", line 180, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/ffc", line 107, in main
    execfile(outname, ns)
  File "ElasticityUpdated.py", line 27, in <module>
    sigmam = tomatrix(sigma)
  File "ElasticityUpdated.py", line 25, in tomatrix
    return [ [q[3 * i + j] for i in range(3)] for j in range(3) ]
line 112, in __getitem__
    return Form(self)[component]
line 636, in __getitem__
    w.monomials = [p[component] for p in self.monomials]
line 478, in __getitem__
    w = Monomial(self.basisfunctions[0][component])
line 218, in __getitem__
    if self.element.value_mapping(component) == Mapping.PIOLA:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ffc/fem/mixedelement.py", line
76, in value_mapping
    (sub_element, offset) = self.value_offset(i)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ffc/fem/mixedelement.py", line
104, in value_offset
    raise RuntimeError("Component does not match value dimension")
RuntimeError: Component does not match value dimension

I've tried to also use the index notation but ffc doesn't like the product
between an index and an 'int'.

L = ( f[i] * v[i] - sigma[3*i+j] * D(v[i],j) - nuv * epsilon[3*i+j] *
D(v[i],j) ) * dx

I couldn't find any similar example in ffc manual or dolfin demos. Thanks
for your help.

Alessio Quaglino

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