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Message #01310
Re: problems in splitting a mixed formulation
Quoting Alessio Quaglino <alessio@xxxxxx>:
> I'm trying to split up a mixed formulation in the primitive forms to do
> some benchmarks, but I get some errors. The simplest of my forms is:
> name = "Divergence"
> element1 = VectorElement("Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 1)
> element2 = VectorElement("Discontinuous Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 0, 6)
> element3 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 1)
> sigma = TrialFunctions(element2)
> phi = TestFunctions(element1)
> dt_el3 = Function(element3)
> def tomatrix(q):
> return [ [q[i + j + i * j - 4 * (j == 2) * (i == 2)] for i in
> range(3)] for j in range(3) ]
> sigmamatrix = tomatrix(sigma)
> asigma = dt_el3 * dot( sigmamatrix, grad(phi) )
> a = ( asigma ) * dx
> and I get the error:
> Preprocessing form file: Divergence.form --> Divergence.py
> *** Error at ( | vi-2[0], | vi-2[1], | vi-2[2])
> *** Shape dimension is not defined for given expression.
> Am I doing something wrong?
Skip the plural (s) in TestFunctions and TrialFunctions
> Alessio
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