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Re: Getting NoneType from dot


Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
2007/10/12, Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>:
Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
2007/10/12, Martin Sandve Alnæs <martinal@xxxxxxxxx>:
1) What is wrong with this form?
You take a dot product of a scalar with a vector (or a vector with a
matrix in the vector case).

While I agree of course that the scalar case is wrong, I'd expect dot
to handle vector times matrix, the convection term is usually written
"u dot grad u".

Yes, we need to fix the dot operator.

In the meantime, do

  u[j]*D(u[i], j)


  w[j]*D(u[i], j)


2) If it's a user mistake and not an ffc bug, ffc should raise an
exception and not return None
Yes. Looking at operators.py, the "else" clause seems to be missing for
the dot function.


from ffc import *

fe = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
This should be:
fe = VectorElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
but it doesn't change the None returned from dot.

v  = TestFunction(fe)
u  = TrialFunction(fe)
w  = Function(fe)

Dw = grad(w)
Du = grad(u)

uDw = dot(u, Dw)

print u
print Dw
print uDw # None!

[[w0_a9(dXa11/dx0) | ((d/dXa11)va9[0]), w0_a12(dXa14/dx1) |
((d/dXa14)va12[0])], [w0_a15(dXa17/dx0) | ((d/dXa17)va15[1]),
w0_a18(dXa20/dx1) | ((d/dXa20)va18[1])]]

wDu = dot(w, Du)

a = dot(v, uDw+wDu) * dx

