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Re: Nedelec elements


The first thing to try would be to *not* use a Nedelec element for the
right-hand side (the source term). Pick a standard Lagrange element,
say DG(1) for the right-hand. That should fix this problem, but I
still think something else will break (or simply give the wrong

An error of this form would probably also occur, if you try to apply strong/essential boundary conditions for the Nedelec element space.

Thank you for advices.
Both of them are important. I set Lagrange elements on the right-side and switch off Dirichlet Boundary Condition. Now everything compiles, application works, but solver can't find solution - what is expected if I switched off DBC.

I'll think about another formulation for my problem, to avoid DBC.
Does Neumann condition works correctly? Can I use 'ds' in form defition?

Figuring out how to do this might take some time.
The "rest" should be working soon.

That's great. I'll be waiting.

