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Re: possible bug in simplify


Marie Rognes wrote:
Jake Ostien wrote:

I have a form that takes in a symmetric stress with the intention of computing the deviatoric part of that stress.

It looks something like this:

el = VectorElement("DG", "tetrahedron", 0, 6)

V = TestFunction(el)
U = TrialFunction(el)

def Mat(A):
    return [ [A[0], A[3], A[5]],    \
             [A[3], A[1], A[4]],    \
             [A[5], A[4], A[2]] ]

def Vec(A):
    return [ A[0][0], A[1][1], A[2][2], A[0][1], A[1][2], A[2][0] ]

T = Mat(Function(el))

dev = T - (1.0/3.0)*mult(trace(T), Identity(3))

a = dot(V,U)*dx
L = dot(V,Vec(dev))*dx

Now if I turn debugging on in ffc with the -d1 flag, I can see that something is fishy with the simplified form (where as it seems OK in the 'raw' input), and when I look at the element tensor generated for the linear form it looks like

A[0] = 0.111111111111111*G0_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G1_1 - 0.0555555555555555*G2_2; A[1] = 0.111111111111111*G0_1 - 0.0555555555555555*G3_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G4_2; A[2] = 0.111111111111111*G0_2 - 0.0555555555555555*G5_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G6_1;
    A[3] = 0.111111111111111*G0_3;
    A[4] = 0.111111111111111*G0_4;
    A[5] = 0.111111111111111*G0_5;

But what it _should_ look like is

A[0] = 0.111111111111111*G0_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G1_1 - 0.0555555555555555*G2_2; A[1] = 0.111111111111111*G0_1 - 0.0555555555555555*G3_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G4_2; A[2] = 0.111111111111111*G0_2 - 0.0555555555555555*G5_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G6_1;
    A[3] = G0_3;
    A[4] = G0_4;
    A[5] = G0_5;

I have attempted to fix this now... The simplified and the non-simplified form now gives equivalent results as far as I can see.

However, are you sure that the factors should be as you have stated above, and not the following:

       // Compute element tensor
       A[0] = 0.166666666666666*G0_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G1_0 -
   0.0555555555555555*G2_1 - 0.0555555555555555*G3_2;
       A[1] = 0.166666666666666*G0_1 - 0.0555555555555555*G1_1 -
   0.0555555555555555*G4_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G5_2;
       A[2] = 0.166666666666666*G0_2 - 0.0555555555555555*G1_2 -
   0.0555555555555555*G6_0 - 0.0555555555555555*G7_1;
       A[3] = 0.166666666666666*G0_3;
       A[4] = 0.166666666666666*G0_4;
       A[5] = 0.166666666666666*G0_5;

Yes, of course, thanks for catching that.

