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Re: stable finite element for incompressible nonlinear elasticity?


On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 03:44:31PM -0700, Chong Luo wrote:
> Hi,
> I implemented 3D incompressible nonlinear elasticity (for neo-Hookean
> materials) using FEniCS.
> However, the iteration didn't converge.
> The finite element spaces I chose are Lagrange element of degree 1 in
> tetrahedron.
> I saw in P.Le Tallec's book (Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Vol III) that some
> finite element spaces are stable (like Ruas finite element), while others are
> not.
> But it seems that Ruas finite element is not available in FEniCS.
> My question is, what are the possible choices of finite element spaces in
> FEniCS
> that would make 3D incompressible nonlinear elasticity stable?
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Chong Luo

I have absolutely no idea, but why not try Taylor-Hood (P2-P1) or
adding stabilization. See the Stokes demos in DOLFIN.

