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Message #01551
Re: mixed element issue?
> Hi all, I'm trying to do a survey of all the different ways of enforcing
> incompressibility in the Navier-Stokes equations, and FFC/FIAT of course
> has
> the most advanced element capabilities for doing this...
> Unfortunately, I have hit a snag (either in my ignorance or through a bug)
> in my grand scheme, starting with the Oseen equations (fix the convective
> velocity for fixed points, don't do the full Newton linearization).
> It seems that if you put a vector element into a mixed element and then
> take
> it back out, you can no longer index it.
> Putting the following in a .form (everything that doesn't involve pressure
> spaces) works beatifully
> #start .form file here
> vel_element = VectorElement("Lagrange","triangle",2)
> u = TrialFunction( vel_element )
> v = TestFunction( vel_element )
> u0 = Function( vel_element )
> a = D(v[i],j)*D(u[i],j)*dx + v[i]*u0[j]*D(u[i],j)*dx
> #end .form file
> On the other hand, if I do:
> # start new .form file here
> vel_element = VectorElement("Lagrange","triangle",2)
> pre_element = FiniteElement("Lagrange","triangle",1)
> element = vel_element + pre_element
> (u,p) = TrialFunctions( element )
> (v,q) = TestFunctions( element )
> u0 = Function( vel_element )
> a = D(v[i],j)*D(u[i],j)*dx + v[i]*u0[j]*D(u[i],j)*dx
> # end new .form file
> I get an error:
> Preprocessing form file: Oseen.form --> Oseen.py
> *** object cannot be interpreted as an index
> *** To get more information about this error, rerun ffc with the option
> -d1.
> I've attached the output using -d1.
> Any corrections either of my stupidity or of FFC would be appreciated :)
Hi Rob!
I don't think you have to question your sanity, we have experienced
similar problems when dealing with the compressible Euler equations: with
scalar density and energy together with a momentum vector. We have been
forced to use built in operators instead, which is non optimal since the
definitions of the action of some operators is a bit unclear.
I do not know what the underlying problem is, but we have brought this up
before and it seems to be non-trivial? Or maybe (hopefully) I am wrong?
This is also something I want to stress for the coming UFL; that to me in
terms of operators, the most important is to have a fully reliable system
for indexing. Then to add a nice collection of well defined operators on
top is great, but secondary (to me).
I wasn't sure I was supposed to edit the UFL page directly with this
wishes? What do you say Anders?
> Rob
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