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Message #02932
Re: [Bug 426512] Re: Problems parsing form file with diff and derivative
oelgaard wrote:
> I have fixed the issues with variable and exponents != IntValue, so the
> above form should compile with FFC now.
> I can confirm that it takes 2m46s (166s) to compile the form on my
> machine and the bottlenecks are:
> expand_indices, time = 114.66s
> visit integrand, time = 36.59s
> expand_indices is a UFL algorithm, so to make things faster we will have to generate code without calling this.
> The time spent in visit integrand might be reduced if we don't call expand_indices on the integrand.
> This bug should be fixed and I'm going to close it unless anyone has
> objections. We can create an appropriate blueprint to take care of the
> compile time issue.
Is there an explanation why SFC only takes a few seconds?
Problems parsing form file with diff and derivative
You received this bug notification because you are subscribed to FFC.
Status in FEniCS Form Compiler: Confirmed
Bug description:
FFC has problems parsing the following form file. As I have pointed out in the code, I need to use the following:
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives, strip_variables
L = strip_variables(expand_derivatives(L_temp))
a = strip_variables(expand_derivatives(a_temp))
to get it to compile via FFC. This is not needed for SFC, and while SFC takes a few seconds (without these lines), FFC takes 6m 25s)
Also, FFC doesn't like fractional exponents which is pointed out in bug #423398.
# Finite strain elasticity
# Function space
vector = VectorElement("Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 1)
# Functions
v = TestFunction(vector) # Test function
du = TrialFunction(vector) # Incremental displacement
B = Function(vector) # Body force
u = Function(vector) # Displacement at previous iteration
# Kinematics
I = Identity(3)
F = I + grad(u).T
C = F.T*F
J = sqrt(det(C))
Fbar = J**(-1./3.)*F # Does not like fractional exponents
Cbar = J**(-2./3.)*C # Does not like fractional exponents
E = (J*C - I)/2 # Want to try Cbar here, but using J*C instead
E = variable(E)
# Material law
mu = Constant("tetrahedron")
lmbda = Constant("tetrahedron")
psi = lmbda/2*(tr(E)**2) + mu*tr(E*E)
S = diff(psi, E)
P = F*S
# Balance of momentum in the reference configuration
L_temp = inner(P, grad(v).T)*dx - inner(B, v)*dx
a_temp = derivative(L_temp, u, du)
# FIXME: Shouldn't need to do the following
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives, strip_variables
L = strip_variables(expand_derivatives(L_temp))
a = strip_variables(expand_derivatives(a_temp))
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