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Message #03091
Re: Buildbot problem for FFC
Quoting Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>:
> The FFC buildbot is currently failing on jaunty-amd64 and
> linux64-exp. The difference seems to be a variable in the generated
> code named FE0_f0 on some systems (including mine) and FE0_f1 on the
> buildbot.
> Johannes: Do you know if there is a difference in the configuration of
> Python versions etc on those machines that can affect this?
> Kristian: How are those variable names generated?
I blame dict and set (although it is my fault). When I extract unique elements
in all forms I do it by updating a set. Afterwards, I do something like:
for i, e in enumerate(list(set())):
where (i,e) are not guaranteed to be the same pairs, not even for subsequent
runs on the same machine. I guess I should fix this to make our tests robust,
but it is difficult since I don't get the error.
If you update those references that show the discrepancy, then it _should_ fail
on my machine and I can see if I can remove the 'error'.
> --
> Anders
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