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Re: debug output


On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 03:38:18PM +0000, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> I'm seeing the debug output
>     Adjusting element quadrature degree from 10 to 104

That seems like quite a bit of overkill... :-)

> from FFC. What does this mean?

It means FFC is changing the degree of a quadrature element from 10 to
104 based on the total degree of the integrand.

First FFC asks UFL to compute the total degree of the integrand, then
sets the quadrature rule for each quadrature element according to that
degree. This means that if you use quadrature elements of degree q for
a form with n factors, the total degree will be adjusted to q*n.

This is done in the function _adjust_quadrature_degree in compiler.py.

I'm not sure what the correct strategy should be here.


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