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Currently, if any elements are restricted to a Measure, _auto_select_representation() will default to 'quadrature'.
However, this doesn't work for the following form with an EnrichedElement:

P1 = VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 1)
element = P1 + P1[ds]
f = Coefficient(element)
M = inner(f, f)*dx

It is also worth noting that the list of unique elements for this form is just one element:
'<Vector<2 x CG1> + <Vector<2 x CG1>>|_{ds0}>'
I was wondering the list of unique elements from UFL.FormData should also contain:
'CG1', 'Vector<2 x CG1>' and '<Vector<2 x CG1>>|_{ds0}'?

The question is if the fix for _auto_select_representation() should be implemented in FFC by
handling EnrichedElements explicitly or in UFL by adding elements from EnrichedElement to the
list of unique elements.


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