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Piecewise constant bug


I get the following error message when I try to compile Poisson with
piecewise constants (not that I need it):

ldb must be >= MAX(N,1): ldb=0 N=0ldc must be >= MAX(N,1): ldc=0
N=0Parameter 11 to routine cblas_dgemm was incorrect

It works when I compile the mass matrix, so probably something goes
wrong with tabulate_jet with order > 0 for piecewise constants.


This is FFC, the FEniCS Form Compiler, version 0.1.7.
For further information, go to http://www/fenics.org/ffc/.

Parsing Poisson.form
Output written to Poisson.py
Warning: element untested
Creating dof map (experimental)

dofs[0] = cell.id()
Creating interpolation (experimental)

c[0] = f(map(3.333333333333334e-01,3.333333333333334e-01))

Compiling form: (dXa0/dxb0)(dXa1/dxb0) |
Finite element of test space:  Discontinuous Lagrange finite element
of degree 0 on a Triangle
Finite element of trial space: Discontinuous Lagrange finite element
of degree 0 on a Triangle
ldb must be >= MAX(N,1): ldb=0 N=0ldc must be >= MAX(N,1): ldc=0
N=0Parameter 11 to routine cblas_dgemm was incorrect

Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago