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trace_tabulate_jet function



Would it be possible to add a function "trace_tabulate_jet" to the class
AbstractPolynomialSet in polynomial.py?

Below is a patch file which adds the function.


--- polynomial.py       28 Apr 2006 14:47:11 -0000      1.7
+++ polynomial.py       1 May 2006 13:11:40 -0000
@@ -96,6 +96,18 @@
         myshape = self.domain_shape()
         xs_dim = map( shapes.pt_maps[ myshape ][ d ]( e ) , xs )
         return self.tabulate( xs_dim )
+    def trace_tabulate_jet( self , d , e , order, xs ):
+        """Computes all partial derivatives of the members of the set
+        up to order on entity e of topological dimension d at points
+        xs, which are specified on the reference element of dimension
+        Returns an array of dictionaries a[i][mi] where i is the order
+        of partial differentiation and mi is a multiindex with |mi| =
+        The value of a[i][mi] is an array A[i][j] containing the
+        appropriate derivative of the i:th member of the set at the
+        j:th member of xs."""
+        myshape = self.domain_shape()
+        xs_dim = map( shapes.pt_maps[ myshape ][ d ]( e ) , xs )
+        return self.tabulate_jet( order, xs_dim )
     def degree( self ):
         """Returns the polynomial degree of the space.  If the
         set lies between two degrees, such as the Raviart-Thomas space,