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[HG fiat] I added a dictionary tetrahedron_face_edges which, for a given


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary FIAT repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   94:3168c45d440f489b0bcc1f2f95cf8125538850d2
tag:         tip
user:        kirby@localhost
date:        Fri Nov 30 11:25:58 2007 -0600
files:       FIAT/numbering.py
I added a dictionary tetrahedron_face_edges which, for a given
face of the reference tetrahedron, tells which tetrahedron edges
form its boundary.
This changes the return value of numbering.get_entities() by adding
one more value to the returned tuple.

changeset:   93:23c4b3374d03f29f32ff47ad7da45f80a1fb1ddc
user:        kirby@localhost
date:        Thu Nov 29 08:53:26 2007 -0600
files:       FIAT/transformedspace.py
added transformed quadrature rules into transformedspace.py

changeset:   92:0bcea3ae09f2abbcb7f4cf8a0ca35f3e806be000
user:        kirby@localhost
date:        Mon Nov 26 10:27:39 2007 -0600
files:       FIAT/testtrans.py FIAT/transformedspace.py
fixed AffineTransformedScalarPolynomial, I think

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/fiat